Trusted Resources
This list is constantly a work in progress so check back! I don’t put anything on here that I haven’t fully vetted myself (usually for several years) without alerting you to the fact that I might still be testing something, but feel it’s worth sharing. Many of the resources I suggest are Biblically based, but not all of them. I have found great gold venturing out into new material and wrestling with it. We must always be willing to reevaluate our position on thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. No single human gets it all right. We all fall short of the Glory of God—whether you believe in God or not.
If you are a disciple of Jesus, test everything against the Word of God and keep the gold and throw out the rest. Ask God directly through His son, Jesus/Yeshua, what HE thinks about stuff you come across and wait for the answer. Not sure if you hear God’s voice? No problem! Check out the suggestions below and you might find something that helps clarify and train that skill in you—I assure you that mechanism for hearing directly from your Creator is already inside you. Not sure if you’ve accepted Jesus as your Savior or want to renew your vows? No Problem! Click HERE to renew your vows or begin for the first time!
The Feasts of the Lord: God’s Prophetic Calendar from Calvary to the Kingdom
We have to build the neurocircuitry to drink in the presence of God in order to be in compliance with Jesus’s call to His people in Revelation 18: 4, “Come out of her [Babylon the great harlot], my people, lest you participate in her sins and receive her plagues.” Babylon, the great harlot, represents a city (or many cities) that have patterns of living, habits, thinking patterns, ways of conceptualizing ourselves and the world, behaviors, methods of living and so on that are so baked into us, we don’t even see them. ‘Tis the nature of deception—if you’re under deception, you don’t know it. But there’s HOPE! The Living God already has in place a pattern for living for Him and giving glory to Him in all that we do, say, and operate and I found that in His Feasts.
That shift takes an intentional, concerted effort on our part to build good, Godly habits. Participating in the Feasts of God are a great way to get into the rhythms of God. If you love food, hosting parties, and cooking then this is a slam dunk for you! No one knows how to party like God does! He had his people on a constant calendar and cycle rest and long feasts and parties—so much so, they hardly had time to work! But that was the point—seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. The unchanging, Great Adonai in the form of Jesus of Nazareth said that in Matthew 6:33, but He had already been demonstrating how to do that for millennia.
Build it.
Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible, NASV (There are other versions)
God gave us a manual for this life, we just often overcomplicate it because we want to do things our way and feel good about it. We don’t want to do things His way. BUT, if we can slowly begin to taste and see that God is good, we find that His ways are EVERYTHING we’ve ever desired and SO much more!
Returning to the Biblical ideas from the original translation through this Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible transformed my faith in remarkable ways. So many of God’s ways were lost on me being a Western, American Christian as the Bible is written from an ancient, Eastern perspective—a perspective WORLDS a part from my own. There was so much I didn’t get. All the stories are rooted in understanding these ancient cultures so if we are not making an effort to meet God where HE is then we’re just making God into what we want Him to be and missing the entire boat not realizing it. Don’t miss the boat! Find the Lord while He may be found!
Know it!
A Guide for Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer
If you are a human, you have blockages inside of you that are based on a variety of things: genetics, bloodlines, personality, early childhood environments, family, friends, choices, and so on.
Humans were designed to be creatures who drink in our Creator through our senses. We were also designed to have dominion over the creatures in our “garden.” However things got out of Godly balance when Adam and Eve did not subdue the serpent in their garden, and the serpent achieved dominion over them when they chose to step outside of obedience. Since that time, we are all born into sin and must make the choice to receive Jesus Christ as our Savior and by His power overcome the works of the serpent in our own flesh (aka garden or Temple of the Most High God).
In order for us to return to God and begin to truly drink Him in, in the land of the living as we were designed to do, we must first wade through the dark spaces of our own hearts and minds with the help of the Holy Spirit. Strongholds and bondage are mechanisms the enemy uses to block the flow of the power of the Holy Spirit. For me, this book was an incredible tool alongside the Bible that the Lord used to bring to the forefront of my mind those lies that I had bought into and was making decisions for my life based on those lies. Before I knew it, I was fairly far down the wrong path. But in His great mercy and grace, the Lord never left me. He never forsook me. If you’re ready to enter into a new level of intimacy with a good and holy God, don’t miss this resource!
Heal it.
Before the Wrath (Don’t let the title spook you—it’s actually about a wedding! Don’t miss it!)
Being Western, so much of the Bible was lost on me. I could “get” some basic concepts in my head, but because of the basic Western values of “individualism,” “hard work,” “strive to be the best,” [values that are no doubt eroding in the later generations, but were loud messages for my generation] and so forth, my system really made a mess of many Biblical concepts that were meant to bring me freedom. Somehow I turned them into prisons inside myself. The prison of perfectionism. The prison of worldly achievement. The prison of man’s approval and so on and so forth.
As I cried out to God for answers, He started me on this beautiful treasure hunt to the ancient Hebrew customs and ways that are not only blossoming and blooming today, but they are what ROOT us even in the modern age. Jeremiah says, “stand in the roads and look. Ask for the ancient paths—where the good way is—and walk in it. Then you will find rest for your souls” (Jeremiah 6:16). As I began to return to the original language, return to understanding the Jewish roots of my Christian Faith, and walk in it, my whole world began to shift for the good…mountains moved, faith becoming unshakable, life long questions - answered. Boom. Mind blown and THIS movie was one that connected a LOT of dots for me.
May this movie bring your soul and spirit and body the rest and excitement that the Lord our God is in fact precisely who He says He is and His splendor and majesty and plans for us are WAY better than we can even imagine for no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has even conceived what the Lord has in store for those who love Him (1 Corinthians 2: 9).
See it!
Music! Drink Him In!
Something powerful happens in the unseen. Vibrations, waves, emotion are all unseen, yet very real and powerful. The Lord started me on a study of physics a few years ago and He has taught me so many amazing things about His remarkable Creation. Music is one of His best that continues to change and morph in the gifting of His people. King David honed his musical skills all alone out in the fields and the Lord used his gifting to calm a tormented King Saul (1 Samuel 18). While his musical gifts were a blessing to many, for him, they were about intimacy with the Lord. Find your sound with the Lord and build intimacy with your Creator through music. Did you know that the hertz of music can open gateways within you and either cause you agitation or peace? That’s why God calls us to be cautious with what we put before our eyes (Psalm 101: 3) and ears! And that’s why a young David played a stringed instrument for King Saul to soothe him (1 Samuel 16).
Know His Calendar
When I discovered God has a calendar, I almost fell out! I’m a calendar girl and it was SO FUN to discover that He has a calendar too and He has revealed it to His children. It’s SO exciting! Check out my podcast on the Fall Feasts (from 2023) for more on what that looks like. This calendar from the First Fruits of Zion has been so fun and enjoyable for me! I hope it will for you too! See calendar HERE.
If you have accepted Christ as your personal Savior, did you know you are now a son or daughter of the Most High King? Did you know that Queen Esther was in training for a whole year that included beauty treatments and education before she was even able to see the King? In our Western, individualistic, democratic mindsets, we have no idea what it means to be a daughter of the Most High King. This devotional will help put you on the path. Start your beauty treatments now!
As Americans, living in a Kingdom is very foreign for us. It takes training and a shift in mindset. More than that, as followers of Christ, our Kingdom is unseen, which adds another dimension of difficulty. But some day, God’s Kingdom will fully manifest on this earth as it already is in Heaven and we want to be ready!
Become it.
Seven Mountain Prophesy: Unveiling the Coming Elijah Revolution, by Johnny Enlow
Progressive, liberal thought has run it’s course. It doesn’t make things better. It makes things worse. Yet, there was no one more progressive than Jesus Christ. He absolutely bucked the greatest minds of His time. Can we as His followers do the same in our time? I believe we can! This book is fantastic and addresses 7 mind-molder buckets in a society: Media, Government, Education, Business/Economy, Religion, Celebration (Arts), Family. Each one of these are very important buckets in a society that shape the civilization. There has been a slow, quiet revolution going on in American that has now reached critical mass. It’s time to rise up and speak the truth and stand for that which is right and good. We can’t afford to remain silent any longer.
For those coming from a reformed background, this will be “out there” for you, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have merit. It’s worth exploring and testing. God is MUCH bigger than our finite bodies can even imagine and we already know that our battle isn’t against flesh and blood as Paul discuses in 2 Corinthians 10. Paul also says in 2 Corinthians 13:5, “Test yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. Examine yourselves!” Therefore, we must never stop stretching ourselves and challenging ourselves, which necessarily requires stepping outside of our own way of thinking and seeing the world. With the Holy Spirit as our guide and the Word of God as our Rock, The Great Adonai and our Father in Heaven will reveal incredible and exciting things to those who search Him out!
Find your mountain.
I had been studying the original language and learning about the Feasts of the Lord for many years before I came across One for Israel. A client actually invited us to a dinner for One for Israel and I fell in love with what they do. Not only does their material speak to me and encourage me, but their videos are so very powerful. Their ministry is to Jews and Arabs living in the land of Israel. You wouldn’t believe that the land of Israel is one of the most unreached nations because the Rabbi’s have kept the truth of Jesus so locked down. One for Israel and their message is a true manifestation of what The Prince of Peace does—He ushers in peace and love and unity, even among Jews and Arabs.
There is a horrible fallacy that snaked its way into American church thinking called “replacement theory,” which states that the Church of Jesus Christ has replaced Israel. The notion of replacement theology is not true and it’s certainly not Biblical. God loves Israel and came to die for her and the whole world. It has also been the root of horrible anti-semitism at the hand of those who call themselves believers in Jesus.