Bible Studies
A dear friend of mine since first grade recently asked me if I would do some Bible Studies for our close group of high school friends. She knows me well so she knows what I’ve gone through in life and how hard I’ve battled and struggled and studied and fallen and gotten back up again and fallen again and healed and hurt, healed and hurt. We’ve lived a lot of life together—the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful. I was honored at the request so this is the birth of that request….it’s fun to note that I credit her with the birth of my child (well, her, God, and my husband of course!). More on that fun story later…
Life has not been particularly easy for me. I grew up in a very privileged family and home and neighborhood and that didn’t seem to help me one lick. None of those things made life any easier for me and I have still had to fight like hell to get out of Hell. Because of that fact, I don’t buy all the “white privilege” BS because I grew up in the quintessential “white privilege” world and it never did any of us any favors. It may have appeared to be a “favor” to someone on the outside, but we all still battled in some way things like divorce, addiction, depression, mental illness, abuse, emotional pain, poverty of all kinds, and so on. That was when I realized: all these issues that everyone struggles with are HUMAN issues. They are questions and struggles that I believe every single human on the planet has to face and deal with at some point or another. While the specifics of the struggle will differ depending on culture, up-bringing, personality, temperament, and so forth, the baseline principles and concepts are the same.
While I have been in church my whole life, there has been MUCH I have fought hard to learn. Some of these things would have been helpful to know and learn from Sunday School, but there’s only so much time and “church” really can’t be all things to all people—that is a role that only God Himself can fill. I am so grateful for the struggle because it is in the wilderness and the fight for True Life that the captives are set FREE. I am one of those captives set free by The Living God.
The inspiration for this series is: Things You Don’t Learn in Sunday School. This is a distillation of a lifetime of struggle and about 15 years of deep study and wrestling to truly find a way of life worth living. I hope you find some treasures too! There are times that I’ll refer to certain resources and those can be found on this RESOURCE PAGE.
Table of Contents & what’s to come:
Introduction and Overview
Keys to the Kingdom: What are they and where is the door?
Free Will: The Daily Freedom to Choose Your Path
Communication: The Living God is a talking God, Tune your Senses
Paradise: There is a City Coming & You Do NOT Want to Miss it!
Seeds of Truth: Why Your Thoughts & Words Matter
More Seed Concepts: The Importance of Starting Small
Time & The Calendar: In Jesus, All You Have is Time-He is Eternal & So are You!
Wrath of God: Why We Actually WANT His Righteous Wrath to Come
The New City: The Government Will Be On His Shoulders & It will NEVER Be Corrupted
I have come to know with all of my being that The Living God is real and incredibly cool. But how is it that I could sit in church most of my life and not come to feel that reality? It’s because every single human must decide what path they will choose whether they are sitting in church or a brothel, a boardroom or prison, a classroom or the streets…it is my heart that ALL would come to know The Living God as I do and find the freedom, healing, and abundance in Him that I have found! May The Living God in the Matchless Name of Jesus, The King of Kings bless you with His presence and fill you with His Truth that the eyes of your heart maybe in enlightened for His glory and your joy!